Guest Posting & Its Benefits

A guest post is an article written by someone and posted on a blog owned by another person. If you own a blog and you write an article and post on it, it will be called a “post”, but when the author is someone else, it will be called “guest post”.

Guest posts can be immensely helpful to build brand awareness and generate more traffic on your website. Guest posts often prove to be a handy tool for reputation marketing.

Writing a Quality Guest Post

Anyone can write a guest post but only a few of them can write something that would go viral and benefit the blog for it is written. A guest post must be helpful, relevant, catchy and in easy words!

A good guest post is to the point and is between 500 and 1000 words. According to data compiled from different statistics, a website with more content has a better chance of getting ranked higher by Google — on relevant searches!

When you want to have a quality guest post for your blog/website, it’s ideal to hire a professional who can regularly write guest posts for you.

Select The Right Topic

To write a quality guest post, you need a topic that is interesting and frequently searched by the users online. Search as much as you can the relevant details about that topic and write on it with authority in your guest post.

Write SEO Friendly Post

Google ranks those posts high that have a certain structure:

  • Never use H1 header tags except for the post title.
  • Use short, clear and organized paragraphs.
  • Use bullet points when applicable.
  • Number your how-to steps or when needed.

Include Images In Your Post

Visuals help the editor of the platform — for whom you are writing a guest post — to understand the content written in your post and make your post stand out among other. With visuals, your post become flamboyant and your message eloquent!

Write With Command

You are writing a guest post on a certain topic because you’re supposed to be expert in it! Avoid phrases that may imply that you’re not sure about what you’re writing. Avoid phrases like “I think” or anything that will create doubt in the reader’s mind about your expertise!

Write In Flow

Your content needs to engage the reader and answer every question that pops up in his mind while reading your content. Your content should be inflow to keep the reader’s attention until he reaches the end.

Every next tip and idea must connect to the next and order of the steps should make sense!

Benefits of Guest Posting

Introduces You To New People

Guest posting introduces you to new people and allows you to enter a community that is already established! You’ll come across new people who can benefit you once you add value to the discussion going on there.

You’ll ultimately win more readers, fans, and followers if your content impresses them!

Builds Relationships

Every blogger is eager to have good content on his blog. By adding value to someone else’s blog, you build strong relationships with other bloggers.

By making friends with other bloggers through your quality content, you can grow your influence in the social media circle and grow your subscribers as well.

Link Building

By guest posting, you can build links with the credible blogs and this will help to bring more traffic to your personal blog. These links are great for SEO and help to increase traffic on your blog.


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