
Google Ads App To Display Campaign Optimization Scores

Campaign optimization is necessary to achieve the target results, in the required time. Monitoring the campaign’s optimization score can help you to point out the flaws in the campaign before they start affecting it.

Optimization metric

Optimization metric was introduced last year to evaluate how well a Google ads campaign is optimized. You can evaluate the quality of your campaign between a score range of 0% to 100%.

However, previously, this optimization score for Google Ads campaigns was only available on desktop. Now with the mobile app, you can evaluate the optimization score of your campaign, even from your mobile. Further, it also recommends you changes that may help you to make it better.

How Google Ads calculates optimization score

Optimization score is based on various factors. These factors include statistics, settings, and the status of your account and campaigns, the relevant impact of available recommendations, and recent recommendations history

Recommendations change as the optimization improves or falls. It recommends changes based on many factors, ranging from your settings to trends in the ads ecosystem.

How to view your optimization score

Navigate to the ‘Recommendations’ sections in the app and find out your campaigns’ optimization score.

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