Complex SEO Problems & Their Solutions|SEO

In the early days, SEO was quite a simple thing. Manage your content, place your keywords well, analyze your opening speed, and you’re done.

But, that’s not the case anymore. Things have changed significantly and to retain top position, you have to be proactive.

With frequent changes in Google’s algorithm, nothing is certain, unless you have a strong base!

Yes, despite all the new complexities and terms being used today in SEO wold, SEO is still quite simple. Doesn’t matter how complex your SEO problem seems to be, stick to the basics and give yourself some time.

What we are doing wrong is we make things complex for ourselves by overreacting and inconsistent SEO strategy.

Good SEO still demands quality content, link building, and user-friendly environment on your web.

Don’t fret about other things that you can’t control. Over experimenting will not only derail you, but it will also affect your rankings further.

So, how can we solve complex SEO problems? Let’s learn in this post!

How Are We Making Our SEO Complex?

Good SEO demands an agile approach and constant adjusting to Google updates.

Don’t get me wrong. By no mean, I’m implying that you should start messing around with your links, website design and content.

All I want to say here, it takes time to adjust according to the changes. Once you realize that your current SEO strategy is not according to the recent changes in Google, go back to the drawing board.

In this way, you’ll be able to find the flaws in your SEO, what’s still worthy in it, and ultimately design a new strategy that might help.

What we often do wrong is we start fidgeting with the things that are still working well. In this way, we end up being clueless about what’s causing the sudden downfall in rankings.

Do You Understand Google’s Algorithm?

That’s the most important part of SEO strategy. If you don’t know the rules of the game, how are you supposed to win it? How frequently do you read the Google updates?

Read Google’s update to stay updated and strategize your SEO according to them. At times we just skim through them and miss the most important part.

Make sure you read Google updates once in a week. This will enrich your mind with new ideas and you’ll be able to devise a more effective SEO strategy for your platform.

Often, we misinterpret Google’s algorithm and stress on those factors that matter the least. 

Here are some tips that will help you to stay afloat in the uncertain world of SEO.

1. Read & Learn

There is a plethora of online content available on the internet that can help you to stay updated. Furthermore, there are SEO experts that are more than happy to answer your questions on their platforms.

Meet people who are interested in SEO like you. In this way, you can not only improve your link building but might also get a few new ideas to improve your SEO. 

Read articles of top SEO experts, seek advice from those agencies who offer top-notch SEO services and most importantly, keep an eye on your competitors.

Like you, your competitor is always in quest of new SEO strategies to boost traffic. By keeping an eye on his content – how frequently he redesigns his site and other factors – you can have a better idea to outrank him.

2. Track Your Progress

Some people work day and night to improve their SEO, but forget to track progress. That’s a cardinal sin!

If you don’t track the result of even trivial changes in your SEO strategy, how are you supposed to understand which one is worthy and which one is ineffectual?

You need to track your progress right from the first day. And what’s the excuse when you have myriad of tools available for this purpose? If you are not monitoring your progress, you are going nowhere but to further decline.

Use tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Ahref to understand the behavior of your visitors. Jot down all the details which page is getting more traffic, what’s unique in it and other factors to improve your rankings.

3. SM Engagement

Besides organic search, your social media can bring significant traffic to your web. You can’t meet Google’s changes immediately, therefore proactive platforms keep their audience involve on social media. 

This traffic remains constant because it has nothing to do with SEO factors. Furthermore, social media factors remain constant in Google’s ranking factors.

Get active on social media and engage as many users as you can. This engagement helps you at the time when your rankings go down for various reasons including a change in algorithm or a better SEO approach from your competitors.

Social media engagement helps you in:

  • Building credibility
  • Maintaining the steady flow of traffic
  • Bringing new visitors
  • SEO rankings

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