In this article, we'll learn about the concept behind micro frontends. What is micro frontend? Lately, microservices have become quite popular in organizations, using this architectural style to avoid monolith large backends. New technologies like Node have significantly contributed to server-side software. But companies are still struggling with monolith frontend codebases. ...
The feeling you get when you complete your first ever software project is inexpressible. But wait. Is it enough to write code for functionalities? What about the efficiency of your code? How much time does it take to execute? How much space does it occupy? It all comes down...
Keanu Reeves - who appeared in the movie " The Matrix" has signed up to appear in an upcoming game called Cyberpunk 2077. He is supposed to play the character named Silverhand. This is perhaps an exciting news for Reeves fans who admire his acting skills. If you are...
If you are an SEO, you'd be eager to learn about the latest( Google June 2019) algorithmupdate. Every new update brings with it either a positive or negative impact on rankings. And that is why these rankings matter for everyone associated with an online business. A drop in rankings means...
What Is Libra? Mark Zuckerberg believes in constant innovation. Perhaps, that is why this man has endeavor so much at a young age. After connecting the whole world via Facebook, he is planning to launch Facebook's own own digital currency. Yes, Facebook is going to launch its currency sometime in...
Apple's new sensation, iPhone 11 is going to be available in the market, soon. iPhone lovers are excited and why they shouldn't be? After all, it's finally coming after months of anticipation. At the company’s Steve Jobs Theater in Apple Park, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook revealed the new iPhone range,...
iOS will be available for download on 19 September. A big surprise is that iOS 13 is strictly for iPhones and iPad is getting its own iPadOS. Furthermore, both platforms are likely to see new features and design tweaks, that we'll highlight in this article. iOS 13 Will Be Available...
In this technology evolving world, voice recognition technology is another of those technologies that recently caught the attention of many people around the world. By 2020, we can expect more than 30% of all website session to be conducted without a screen. Mind-blowing! Isn't it? Keeping this evolving technology in mind, we...