Advantages Of WordPress & Its Plugins

Since its launch, WordPress has been dominating the web development world — thanks to its advanced plugins! Word Press is no more just a blogger but has become immensely popular all over the world because of it’s impeccable and easy-to-operate Content Management System.

Word press is one of the best platforms for website creation with a short learning curve, particularly for start-ups who aren’t yet proficient in coding. With its mind-blowing plugins, the process of development has become very easy and fluent — on WordPress, websites can be designed at a rapid pace!Some people think of WordPress as a mere blogging site but they are wrong!

Yes, WordPress was developed as a blogging platform but is now considered a fully-grown fledged website creation platform!

Advantages Of WordPress

It’s Free!

WordPress is 100% free and you can develop your website on it without paying any charges.Yes, you have to pay for using some of its advanced plugins but they make your job extremely easy.

Easy To Use

WordPress is so easy to use that even a novice, who can only read would be able to work on it. It offers you free themes to add in your website, free plugins, and you can post anything without having to code for long hours!

All the work can be done by simple drag and drop!

Mobile Responsiveness

Since, most of the time your website will be accessed through a smartphone, its mobile responsiveness becomes mandatory!

We expect a site to load fast and look good on our mobile screen, WordPress offers mobile-friendly themes that are easy to navigate and are user-friendly!

WordPress helps to build a user-friendly website at cheap rates.

Easy SEO

Many start-ups find it hard to strategize SEO, to find high rankings on Google. WordPress solves this problem by providing you easy-to-understand CMS.

WordPress makes CMS uncomplicated.

 An effective SEO strategy demands regular updating of the site with fresh and relevant content.

WordPress & Its Plugins

A WordPress plugin is a chunk of code that “plugs in” to your  WordPress site. In more plain terms,  a WordPress plugin is something that adds new functionality to your WordPress site or in other words, extends existing functionalities on your site.

Some of the distinguished advantages that WP plugins offer over other blogger websites are:

Live Chat with Customers

WP live chat plugin is very popular and allows you to engage directly with your audience. You can discuss their issues with them and also take their feedback!

Social Media Share Buttons

You can promote your website by allowing readers to share it on any social media platform by simply pushing a share button present on your blog. WordPress has a very simple format for the installation of any plugin.

SEO Plugin

WordPress has some very useful SEO plugins that help you to monitor the performance of your website and increase traffic. With SEO plugins, you can get Google to notice you and draw more visitors.

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